Our Kindergarten Program
Our Early Childhood Teachers with their team of passionate Educators, implement a Kindergarten program guided by the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF). The EYLF is a framework approved by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) and School Curriculum and Standards Authority.
The Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines guide Educators to develop Kindergarten Curriculum for Western Australian children. It draws from the key ideas and related content from the EYLF to construct a curriculum to ensure that all children in Kindergarten experience quality teaching and learning.
Our Approach
The decisions we make every day that form the basis of our curriculum:
Our decisions
Conversations and interactions with children
Resources we provide
We believe in nurturing the uniqueness of each child because all children are:
Our children
Natural researchers
Creative & curious
Active Learners
Varied in intelligence & learning styles
The curriculum is the totality of the experiences that are provided within our service:
Our experiences
Learning experiences
Physical environment

Discover a personalised approach to learning at our childcare centres. We believe in embracing each child's unique learning style, talents, and interests. Our curriculum is designed to build on strengths and emerging interests, offering opportunities for exploration, creativity, problem-solving, and collaborative learning.
We value family input through our OWNA app and "All About Me" forms. Your contributions, whether about your child's interests or home learning experiences, shape our daily programs. We welcome ideas from both parents and children, creating a dynamic and engaging learning environment.
Find top-quality childcare programs in Perth at Treasured Tots childcare centres in Mandurah, Bibra Lake, Fremantle, Piara Waters, Hamersley, Bennett Springs and Bicton. Join us in nurturing your child's growth and development!