The Importance of Independence in Early Childhood Education

Independence is a learned skill, and something that humans begin to explore almost from the day we’re born. From the moment a baby reaches out to grab hold of something or tries to take control of the feeding spoon, the quest to ‘do things for themselves’ has begun.

Nurturing this instinct is vital. Providing encouragement and opportunities to follow their natural curiosity plays a direct role in developing so many other life skills. From confidence to resilience, problem-solving to self-awareness, teaching independence from an early age helps create the vital foundations from which their wonderful potential can grow.

There are many things we can build into the everyday home and educational landscape to promote this – and it’s never too soon to begin.

Promote Independence through Free Play

Free play – also called unstructured play – allows the child to decide the direction of their chosen activity. This could be anything, from selecting materials to build a model or making a jumping course in the garden… It doesn’t matter what, it’s all about the freedom to choose.

The adult role isn’t to guide, but to gently support. It’s the chance for a child to overcome challenges, such as how to pile up those bricks so they don’t fall over, for example. Encourage, but don’t instruct. Provide the medium but don’t intervene. Free play is a wonderful way for children to begin to grasp important concepts, such as problem-solving, overcoming small failures, building autonomy and embracing creativity – all of which are closely linked to independence.

Set Routines

We’re all creatures of habit. When a child learns that they need to brush their teeth before bedtime, for instance, they’ll soon know what to expect and begin to take an active role. We all have a host of everyday routines, such as getting dressed in the morning or putting on socks and shoes before going outside. By allowing your toddler to perform easy tasks on their own, they’ll soon progress and do more and more without help.

Again, encouragement and praise are key, even if things go a bit awry at times.

Let Them Make Mistakes

If your child puts their shoes on the wrong feet or that tower of blocks falls down, don’t be too quick to jump in and assist. Give them the chance to work out problems for themselves – and give plenty of praise when they do so. If it continues to go wrong, ask open questions, such as, “How do you think you could do that differently?”, to let them take the lead on the way forward.

Learning how to overcome difficulties is key to increasing independence and the resulting confidence in their own abilities.

Give Them the Freedom to Choose

Providing your child with two or three options, such as deciding what outfit to wear today, provides small stepping stones from which further independence grows. This doesn’t mean giving your little one free rein – it’s more about providing them opportunities to consider their favoured way forward.

Choices can even be used as a way to direct challenging behaviour, while still encouraging independence. For instance, if your toddler insists that they want to climb those steep stone steps on their own, you could offer them the option of being carried or holding their hand. You get to keep them safe, and they get to play a role in deciding the outcome.

From Home to Early Learning Centres: Fostering Independence at Every Opportunity

Parents, caregivers and early learning educators are uniquely placed to help children build their independence. There are so many easy ways to integrate this into everyday activities. From allowing your little one to work through the complexities of putting on their shoes to choosing an early learning environment that uses a proven beneficial approach, such as Reggio Emilia, promoting independence is one of the greatest gifts a child can receive.

At Treasured Tots, our Kindy and Early Years Learning programmes are dedicated to providing the ultimate home-from-home environment that complements the great work of parents and caregivers. With seven centres serving Perth and the suburbs, including Fremantle, Bicton and Mandurah, there’s sure to be a location near you.

Book a tour today and come and see us in action.

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